The Diversity Dividend
Last month, I attended the NASSCOM
D&I conference along with a few colleagues at work. One of the rare
seminars that was brilliantly planned & executed, each of the sessions was very
interesting, if not inspiring! Surrounded by tonnes of like-minded people, our
discussions and debates hit a new high.. Doe-eyed we came back with tonnes of
notes and to-dos (read lofty plans on initiatives that we’d begin right away if
not in a short while..)
And then reality struck.. the snide
remarks, the sarcastic tones.. (the fact that Women’s Day fell in the following
week didn’t necessarily help).. “Do you know how the men folk see all this jazz
organisations want to create around this Diversity agenda? Have you ever
thought how this can harm you women colleagues – Would you feel comfortable if
someone thinks you made it to the top only cos of your gender!?” OF COURSE NOT…
And if you still persist, I will get Mrs. Funny Bones aka Twinkle Khanna’s help
to make this point clear(er) to you! For now though, let me help debunk a few
myths so we realize the real reason behind why we need sponsorship on the
D&I agenda and steer ourselves toward simple(r) solutions we may not have individually
thought of!
1st thing 1st,
is not restricted to Gender - It’s another thing that you make a great
start when you let half (or whereabouts) of the general population to be
represented equally across teams and levels within an organisation.. The stats
around ‘The Leaking Pipeline’ (brain-drain of women from mid-management level
onward) was astonishing to say the least.. Yet it was equally heartening to see
organisations successfully avoiding
quota (the worst form of tokenism in my view) while actively tackling biases and warped judgment, providing the right infrastructure and policies (case in point -
making the transition back to work for a new mother easier) and not making unwarranted comparisons
among themselves..
What struck me was the lack of
inclusion of the disabled/ specially-abled.. How conveniently we make our
offices wheel-chair accessible, provide exactly one washroom facility for
the handicapped in every building and claim that we are an equal employer i.e.
We’re inclusive! What about those with eyesight, hearing and learning
disabilities.. Never before had I given this a serious thought.. Access to
technological advancements should enable organisations to do more in this space
– How about we redirect our CSR funds to within the organisation and fund
capital / operating costs to make ourselves more inclusive toward this
population.. But wait a minute, will we continue to get those tax-cuts and/or
media coverage.. hmmm interesting thought!
Now, our fellow colleagues who
belong to the LGBTIQ group... We’re all aware of how even an indication that
someone could be homosexual gets them undue attention and makes them vulnerable
to harassment. It was disheartening when a survey revealed that 40% of these colleagues
have faced some sort of harassment and more than half of them fear that they
could be legally fired (in India) for merely revealing their real identity!
Isn’t it time we as organisations provide them a safe and inclusive environment
to perform to the best potential? (Or may be it is too much to ask after all!)
We could further exaggerate the
situation by adding dimensions such as caste, class, religion, region (now this
is slowly becoming a big one in the IT/ ITeS sector), skin colour.. the list goes
In short, between the cost of being
non-inclusive vs. the benefits, we’d
rather choose the latter, right? AND the silver lining is that with the
Uberisation of the workforce, Inclusion could be a natural outcome if the
organization makes it a priority.. Thanks to the socially-conscious millenials
- they are far more aware, involved, engaged and have the highest tendency to
speak up (or at least tweet about it) when they find something unfair...
My 2-pence based on what I heard
from all these folks at the seminar on becoming an inclusive organisation (in a
typical Jamie Oliver/ Tarla Dalal cook-book style)..
1. Pre-heat the Oven.. I mean.. Prepare
your ‘Leaders as Advocates’- We need some serious concerted effort and commitment
from the top management; Clearly, D&I cannot be an HR initiative! And if
this is not the case, then clearly your organisation is not yet ready for the
D&I agenda to become a priority.. Better wait it out y’all!
2. Add generous portions of Human-Machine Interface – Some at the
stage of Talent Acquisition (crowd-sourcing talent, unbiased / algorithm-based
resume screening, neutral entry criteria that encourage meritocracy over
networks).. Some more when developing & retaining the right talent (virtual
workplaces to provide increased flexibility, use of hackathons when setting up
a new team, creating NWTs for increased learning and exposure for colleagues
across different teams/ groups, watching out for the Hi-Pos that don’t fit the
This also includes enabling
innovation and investing in accessible and assistive technologies (JAWS &
Splitter boxfor the visually impaired, Converser-pro for the hearing impaired/
elderly, refreshable braille display… the list goes on)
3. Cut the negativity and the nay-sayers out –
Challenge ladders of influence (i.e. conclusions based on selective data
riddled with false assumptions) that lead to bad judgement – I was in a
conversation with a friend in a leading IT firm and she was talking to me about
how a high performing colleague (also identified as Hi-Po) was overlooked for a
project in another city, merely cos she was married and had a 1.5 year old - For
heaven’s sake, the next time around, could you kindly ASK the person, rather
than make the assumption/s and inferences yourself!?
This also includes sensitising
colleagues across levels through trainings on unconscious bias and making it extremely
hard for colleagues that remotely indulge in bullying or harassment to be part
of the system.. In one leaders words, “I’m still okay with incompetence/ bad
performance.. the lightest hint of Harassment, and I show the colleague the
door, no matter how tenured/ senior/ critical the resource.”
4. Meanwhile, add some
real role models – Successful people who will increase the overall levels
of ‘intentionality of career’ within the organisation – people that will
encourage others around them to becoming more inquisitive, aspirational and
place a few bets on the minority through formal and informal programs.
Encourage and engage these active enablers in dialogues with the masses to gain
further momentum.
5. Place the right emphasis on building the right culture through
uniform implementation of organisational policies – While it’s a herculean task
to match the industry best practices in terms of having the right practices and
policies in place, let’s not underestimate the role of the watch-dogs to ensure
these are implemented right at every stage.. For e.g. one of the leading
organisation that has the best parental benefits sees a dwindling % of women
returning to work after availing maternity leave, specifically in one of its
functions – Why you may ask!? The real reason was the outlook of their managers
and skip managers toward female colleagues, no sooner she announced her
pregnancy. It’s a mere no brainer that no amount of ‘return to work’ programs
and/ or benefits would replace the loss of self-respect and/or dignity through
the initial 6-7 months…
6. At regular intervals, check if you have the right manager capability – Whether
or not the organisation is truly inclusive is an outcome of how effectively
your 1st and 2nd line of managers handle
micro-interventions at a team level – How effectively they respond to
uncomfortable situations (this again includes zero tolerance to harassment),
how they are empowered to have empathetic discussions when sensitive situations
come up.. In short, how they persuade colleagues to stay on-course when faced
with challenges on the personal front and/or seek help from their manager at
the right time. Do remember, in many cases (esp in the IT/ ITeS organisations)
we are talking about people with 4 - 6 years of experience right after college
– Spare a thought to whether we doing enough to keep them afloat!?
7. Season to perfection with an analytical/ scientific approach to managing it - .1st
thing 1st set the baseline – Where are you right now? What are your
goals? What are the metrics you will track? Be it Talent acquisition,
engagement or retention – are we using the plethora of data available to us
effectively? The Gen-X and esp. the Millenials are natives of the digital world
– let’s get ourselves checking if we’re customising our organisational
offerings to suit how they’d like to be treated, how they learn best and what
makes them stay!?
How we expand our talent pool by
including passive candidates through our digital footprint, how we remove
hiring bias through neutral / automated JDs using text analysis/ algorithms to
match job specs, how we track and measure workforce demographics to build
predictive models will get us closer to our goals. This also includes using
lessons from the past to build programs for the current agenda (for e.g. use
lessons on how you built a successful support system for women colleagues to
include people with disabilities.)
8. Mix all this together, and viola, you’d have become an inclusive
What’s even better is that people like me will stop going to such summits
cos there will be no need to host them anymore! :-D