Pet peeves and some thoughts!
Ever thought why things that irritate you are called pet peeves, when pets are actually supposed to give u the happiness other humans around u aren't able a blog with a PJ is not an IN thing is it? okie okie..
The origin for this not-so-common and not-so-friendly tagline for this present post of mine arises from the irritation of not having been able to post the last write up for almost 20 hours after writing it. The worst part was being here, every website reads in German by default..and since it’s been ages since I have been on blogspot, wasn’t too sure how to handle that one..finally did some R&D (read as research and destruction) and it led me to some page which asked me if I wanted the default language to be.. (Yes yes English! U r right English, that’s the language- rather the only language I speak and understand!) Imagine the bouts of irritation one can be put into by just not understanding a language.. this makes me wonder what happens to all those people who cannot communicate and language is not the barrier but inability is.
Of course it’s even sillier when you are at work place and two people break out in a conversation in German cos it’s the most natural thing for them and you are left in the middle smiling (rather grinning at your fate of where u r stuck!) I really wish that foreign language course had not been called off, at least I would have recognized the sounds if not a few words! Ahem, no regrets!
Phew I hated this word until I myself was forced to use it! You talk more than 3 sentences on a certain topic and they call you an efficient gasser and that’s what people like me are called. But hats off to those people who have the ability to cram as well as apply..I really wish I had the conviction to do well academically as well, which one of my friends suggest I should since I have nothing to lose if I cram a bit..after all I won’t lose my ability to apply this knowledge would I? May be he is right cos when I find myself at the crossroads with these very toppers nine months from now, don’t want to be slided into a corner just cos I don’t have that good CQ! But then will I be able to better them at this stage? Screwed it from the very beginning, tried to get it under control in the 2nd semester and come 3rd sem, blew it up in thin air looks like.. arrghh..I want to get over this ugly thought.. any help? This calls for an absolute change of topic.. I myself find this read boring, can imagine what you must be going through...
guess I shall retire for the day.. ask someone to suggest me what to write on, and will do (haha as if I am some famous ghost writer!) that’s the beauty of our imagination.. in a minute we start believing we are the best while we were in the dumps seconds back.. On this note, I sign off for today..ciao..hope to get back with a more interesting write up soon.. but before I retire, I wish to leave you all with a thought that has been talked about day in and day out and is almost a famous cliches.. If we Indians are really as smart as we claim to be, why does our country have the lowest number of patents as compared to other countries of the world? Help me with this, if it was an Indian who designed the traffic system for the US, why is our own country groping with basic infrastructure even 50 years after its independence? Please don't assign it to a simple term called "brain drain" have heard and read enough on it to last this life time of mine..and don't write off this blog of mine as being that of a frustrated under performer.. yes I don't have the conviction to face those with better grades and tell them confidently I know a tad more than him or her, especially about HR (which again is defined as "gas" by many)..But a few experienced souls tell me that grades just don't matter within 6 months of graduation and I truly hope they are right! Failing which 15 months later, I promise to publish on this very website a blog named "I am stupid" and you will know what I am talking about..But on a serious note, I seriously wish those professors could see through some presentations and knew to differentiate the good from the bad..that's what they are there for, rather than administer those meaningless MCQs and base our careers on random guesses! Aargh yes I do sound like a sour person, I truly must retire for the day.. am almost whining :( ciao now..