I wish every CEO thought this way and followed this path....
The past few days have been interesting times... The latest found obsession is watching news and reading the newspaper inside out (especially the editorials). With each passing day, the news gets juicier while the tones of the newsreaders gets more dramatic.. With Steve Balmer talking about probable lay-off (almost unheard of), Steve Jobs declaring a sabbatical (owing to health reasons) and the 'Yahoo!' baton in the hands of an (able) woman, and of course America's largest telephone equipment maker filing for bankruptcy, the corporate world surely seems to be in the limelight (for the wrong reasons, perhaps)! Just while the Indian press and media were about to divulge 'almost everything' that existed about this person (or may be beast) called 'Amir Ajmal Kasab' - one of the terrorists caught alive from the Terrorist attacks in Bombay on November 26, 2008- the focus turned to our home-grown (financial) terrorist Mr. Ramalingam Raju. Anyone that has been partl...