
Showing posts from March, 2019

Here's to the 21st century Wonder Woman*

You can’t miss the 21st century Wonder Woman (aka the working Mommy in this case) - You can spot her in the crowd.. You’ve always known her, except she’s far more prominent and her tribe has increased in modern times (FINALLY & AMEN!).. Her gait is peculiar much-like Aamir Khan's in PK.. And so is her voice – It’s a combination of self-doubt, confidence, emotion, passion and conviction all at once.. She’s unique in many ways, and here’s why….. She’s always checking her back, cos she’s trying to stay out of jail – The charges could be as minor and/or as serious as – She yells toooooo loud or too often the neighbors AND the inmates of the home complain – She’s yelling as she goes around fixing (OR helping fix as the case may be) unclean teeth, knotted hair, unfinished homework, dirty clothes strewn on the bedroom floor, outdoor game items strewn around the home stepping on lego blocks that threaten to take the life out of her (**** Plastic CAN & DOES hurt – Let’s go eco...